I have recently completed Misty Harding’s Chakra & Aura Vitality course. It was so much fun and I enjoyed time with likeminded people! Working with the Aspects of Will and each Archangel is really positive. I brought in the Aspects of Will with two recent sound healing clients. What a great addition to what I already do! The beautiful resources Misty provided with each class are a joy to look at every day. Information provided has helped me learn about and get to know each Archangel. Misty’s teachings about all parts of our being and the way Angels work with us has expanded my ‘remembering.’ The effects from meditations and Angel clearings channeled for each class are tangible evidence of the beautiful energies Misty’s brings through from the Angels!
Thank you, Misty, for your Chakra & Aura Vitality course!
Kathy Martin
Sound Healer
Swan Valley, Montana
Thank you, Misty, for your Chakra & Aura Vitality course!
Kathy Martin
Sound Healer
Swan Valley, Montana
When I first met Misty I was at very trying time in my life,for I just had my seventh neck surgery and left A very unhealthy relationship and didn't know how I was going to support myself. It has been almost a year and I have a wonderful life with the help have Misty and her helping me with clearing away all the hurt also seeing the bigger plan. She listens to her angels and bought me messages that were just what I needed to hear, she never once judged me only helped me to see the whole picture. Her classes are wonderful, she's always taken the time to help everyone. I highly recommend her to anyone, she is so helpful and gets to what you need to go on with your life. Janet
You are too good to be true...truly priceless! You keep me grounded as a tree while I reach up into the celestial for more clarity & security! No more bullies in my life causing years of spiritual warfare! All of the chaos in my life has finally been replaced w tangible miracles! I was at Rock bottom (homeless in a domestic violence shelter) & immediately after I spoke with you my vibration was lifted out of suicidal worthlessness! I have been a spiritual seeker for 8 years, spending thousands in vain, that ended me up in debt since I was so desperately wanting to be relieved of my addictions & severe traumas. You give me practical magical solutions that I can permanently sustain on my own at such an affordable price! Your oils they have freed me from all forms of desperation & codependency! I am offered an amazing job now where I do NOT have to sell my soul at all & I have an incredibly high vibrational apartment where I feel liberated & full of the most authentic & unshakable worthiness and intuition! I also look better according to my family! No more tension in my body making me restless either! I am forever in your debt Miss Misty😇😇😇👼👼👼🙏🙏🙏🙌🙌🙌 ZB
![]() I undoubtedly believe that the Angels led me to you! Thank u, thank u, i love you!!!! Many light bulbs went off after our meeting at the Metapalooza in Billings! I realize that the Angels have been with me & helping me all along this lifetime and continue too...I have asked and I received...and it continues...it's a daily occurrence and I'm sooooo grateful. Oh, & i LOVE your oils & sprays!! WOW, Wow, Wow!! My experience of using them is often beyond words, but they seem to "snap" me into remembarance of Truth & who/what we really are - unlimited & free Spirit or Soul. xoxoxoxoxoxo
Katie O'Neil I love your oils. I can recognize how you beautifully channeled their true essences, and they have helped me in my day to day and healings. I'm a ThetaHealer, and I use them to give extra support for my clients when I feel that they need extra help for the next couple of days. Valeria
A Love Potion That Works
I picked up a 4 ounce bottle that read “Divine Love” and scoffed – I was unsure how a tincture was going to bring me the great love it promised. The store owner cautioned me, “It’s very strong. It’s one of our best.” I impulse bought it and holy moly it works! It’s a blend of roses, geranium, ylang ylang and a few other flowers. Every time I wear it out, I get very strong reactions from people. I’m talking, dramatic hand kisses, flowers bought, tons of attention, free upgrades at the smoothie bar, you name it. I’ve noticed a dramatic spike in the type and amount of attention I receive. It’s fun and flirty, and a super fun boost when I’m out on the town. http://thegirlwhoknows.com/scents-that-up-your-sexy-factor/ I would like to share how wonderfully Misty's archangelic oils and bath salts have affected me:
Bath salts: my skin feels so silky smooth and baby soft after a bath, and I feel lighter and brighter because all lower vibrations have been transmuted or released. I also use them in a hand and foot soak and notice that inflammation in the joints is greatly reduced. The Oil Blends: I wake up feeling more rested, lighter, and happier-----like the sunshine inside me has been dialed up a couple notches! I feel much more like my true, confident, happy-go-lucky, effervescent self. These oils feel like a hug from the angels!!! With Love and Thanks, Analaraya I absolutely Love, Love, Love Misty's new oil creation, Divine Beginnings!! It is so incredibly delicious to my whole being! I spray it over my crown chakra and let it waft down over me. I spray it on my face and feel so soothed and uplifted. I spray it on all my chakras. I spray it on my pillow before I go to bed and feel so peaceful and content going to sleep. I spray it all over the room to freshen the air and energy.I also used Misty's oil blends Grace and Peace on a physical injury last month(broken bones and bruises). Yes ! they work so well on physical pain and swelling. Thank you dearest archangels, Mother Mary, Jeshua, and Misty--you are sheer genius at work. Thank you for helping this angel feel more at home on Earth!! All my Love, Analaraya Oneness
A deep bow of gratitude for this class! Your teaching and support connecting with the Archangels is really empowering in my life. I can see I have merely dipped my toe in the waters of this grace we are bestowed with the angels love. Mary Sotelo
![]() "Misty's relationship with Angels is inspiring. I have explored the
unseen worlds of Light and Love since 1998, learning to navigate with
tools based in Shamanism. After taking her class I have a relationship
with Angels that has simplified how I tap into those realms. Misty's
teaches by example, as she lives what she shares and connects with the
Angels through dialog that is founded in her asking for what she seeks.
This requires one to be clear on what you want and to then ask with the
knowing you will be heard. Misty reminds us that we are surrounded by
Angelic guidance that is waiting for us to connect with them. She is a
master at asking the poignant questions for that moment in time and
offers techniques to assist one in hearing, feeling or to gain the sense
of knowing the answers offered by the Angelic realm. "ASK" is the word
I have taken to heart after participating in her courses. Miracles are
those moments when you know you have been heard. I am grateful to
Misty for sharing what she lives." DGM
![]() Since I began working with Misty, learning how to work with the angelic energies around us waiting to help us, my life has improved measurably. I feel supported whenever I ask for the Angels' help, and I KNOW AND FEEL their loving presence now every day. I am more relaxed and allowing because I can feel them and know they are always connected to all of us..we need only to ask! Misty shows us how to do this with ease and trust!
Ayesha ![]() Angelic Immersion -
Communicating with the Angels & Healing with the Angels Thank you so much! I'm so inspired!!! This class was everything I needed & more. The depth and spiritual growth of this experience have been immense. I am truly grateful. Sign me up for the next one! :) Cheyenne Out with the Old Workshop