![]() Each year the Angels want to help us let go of all that holds us back and step into our power. This year their focus is on living our JOY. I received this message from them: Dear One, How long will you hold on? How long will you muddle around in shame, blame and resentment? These are the things that are keeping you from living in a state of JOY. JOY is your natural state of being… it is who you are in truth! It will bubble up when all that covers it is gone. Regardless of your circumstance you can live in a state of JOY. Your life need not be perfect to experience the power of JOY. For it is very powerful… and it is up to you to choose. When you are living in a state of JOY you are in acceptance of your power. You are in alignment with your Soul. Choose to let go and let us clear away the energy of all that has come before so that you are living your JOY. We are here to help - Just ask! Join me Saturday, December 30th to receive Healing and an Activation to claim your JOY in 2018.
Love, Misty
![]() This is the question I have been pondering since the Angels wanted me to do a new workshop on Choosing LOVE. The answer came in one of my recent sessions and I wanted to share it with you. We had been talking about her worthiness to receive. The Angels were clearing the energy of old patterns and experiences that had been blocking her feelings and beliefs of worthiness when I got it. LOVE is what is left when the absence of LOVE is gone. LOVE is there always. You are LOVE and you are LOVED! LOVE is not dependent upon:
LOVE is dependent upon Your Beliefs:
the greatest thing is that... you can Choose LOVE! LOVE is there when you have acceptance of yourself – your thoughts, feelings, decisions, circumstances & actions. Of others – their thoughts, feelings, decisions, circumstances & actions. Choosing LOVE is freedom from fear Choosing LOVE is trusting in the process of life Sometimes though, we have built up energy around our beliefs and experiences that makes it difficult for us to Choose LOVE. This is where the Angels come in. They have helped me and my clients to change our energy pattern around LOVE, and they want to help you too! Join me to receive healing from the Angels around Choosing LOVE and ways to help you Choose LOVE in your every day life from the Angels. This workshop is available this month online and in-person at 5 places in MT this year. More info below or click here to learn more.
If this is your true desire of how to live, you may be like me and heard "You need to live in the real world" all your life. There is a part of me that knows that this is possible, and I now know that I am here to be a part of bringing it in. So how do we get there? I decided to ask the Angels. Here is their answer: It all begins with each of you individually. You get to choose. When you have cleared your consciousness of old mental and emotional baggage, letting go of old fear, anger, hostility and guilt, your consciousness and vibration raises. When you gain mastery over your thoughts, you create your future in a different way. We are here to help you move to the next level. We are here to clear away the old baggage and transmute the old energies. It is time! When the old is cleared we will activate the higher vibrational energies within you so that you are supported in your quest. Do not get caught up in the numbers or levels, just know that you will always be going higher. This is not a fairy tale. This is not airy fairy. This is the truth about your choices right now. When you have done your part and moved yourself forward, you effect everything. When you come into contact with others, they entrain to your higher vibration and they start to change. It starts with you, and we are here to assist! When I first started working with the Angels, I focused on receiving answers to questions. Then, I experienced the power of their healing and realized they could do so much more! You see, when you are experiencing unease in your relationships, negative mental chatter that won't quit, feelings of not fitting in, fear or worry that you cannot control... all of these issues stem from energy that has built up within or around you. ![]() It may very well be an experience from this lifetime or brought with you from another, societal conditioning, religious beliefs, or entity attachments. I liken it to dust. If you never dust, it builds up, and pretty soon your furniture is lackluster. It may come off in one swipe, or if left long enough, it may take a few swipes and extra scrubbing. You are the same way. You pick up dust from all your experiences, your relationships, your environment, your thoughts and the food you eat. You may also be hooked into the collective consciousness or you may be carrying out a contract that no longer serves you. Feel like too much? Then know this... Whatever it is, it can be cleared! It takes your willingness and vigilance to let go, receive healing, keep clear, and trust that there is a better way. ...and THE MOST IMPORTANT THING is that all of these energies are keeping you stuck! Once the energy is cleared and you are filled with the love, peace & joy of God, you no longer carry those old attractor patterns and your life starts to change... ~ your relationships loose that edge ~ your mind is clear of negativity ~ you are receiving inspiration of actions to take ~ you feel better ~ you are going with the flow of life It all changes without you having to make it happen. Yes, you may need to take action, but it will be very clear and easy to do. I know all of this, because many years ago I was there. I was stuck in a job I hated, I was plagued with fibromyalgia and couldn't even vacuum, and my relationships were all stressed. I see changes in my clients every day. Their relationships are harmonious, they lose the tension in their body, their hot flashes have disappeared, their minds are clear of negativity, and new opportunities come to them. If any of this is ringing true for you, and you want your life to be different, then give yourself this very important gift. Make a commitment to yourself and join us for a group of sessions and see if it helps... The Group Healing Circle will be on the 1st & 3rd Wednesdays of each month @ 6pm MST It's Free for now...
You can attend via web, or phone and they will be recorded in the event you cannot attend live. Click Here to join or learn more. See you soon! Love, Misty ![]() The other night I watched a movie called “What If….” on Netflix. In the story the main character had left his college sweetheart, and ultimately his faith, in order to pursue a lucrative business opportunity. His guardian angel (appearing as a tow truck driver) had to literally knock him out a couple of times so that he could show him a different way of life, filled with true happiness and fulfillment. I am sure my guardian angel has had to knock me out a couple of times to get my attention. Smiles…. When angels help us, sometimes they do so in ways that may not be immediately recognizable. They often deliver answers, hints, messages, and warnings through signs, thoughts or emotions. The Angels are masters at energy healing on the spiritual, mental, emotional and even the physical levels. Angels, beings of pure love, are always available and know that life on Earth is not easy. Most of us are full of fear, resentment, and anger from our past mistakes, experiences or beliefs. Angels can help us to let go of and transform out thoughts, emotions and fears so that the joy within us can bubble up and be felt and shared with the world. There are so many things going on in this world that we do not understand. As much as we may try to find a rational answer, it is elusive. With the help and guidance of angels we can see things from a different perspective and have faith in goodness. Somehow, you may find yourself living with a peaceful knowing that everything is fine in the grand scheme of things, even though nothing on the outside has changed. It is up to us to ask for angels help in our lives. With practice and openness we can receive and translate the messages and love they want to give. After we receive their messages we can then take divinely guided action feeling inspired, and supported with an inner strength that cannot be penetrated by others judgments or actions. If you would like to learn more about how your angels help us check out my free webinar 5 C's to Receive Angelic Inspiration & Healing or the Learn to Communicate with the Angels E-Course. Love, Misty ![]() Many years ago I was sick, unhappy and downright miserable. One day I found myself in a store and picked up the Archangel Oracle card deck by Doreen Virtue. Pulling a card every morning gave me at least something positive to focus on to start my day. Soon, I began to feel more peaceful and my physical ailments started to go away. One day I thought that I had began hearing messages from the Angels and decided to take the Angel Therapy course. During the course I realized that I was really getting messages from the Angels and that if I can everyone can. I realized that my whole life I had never really wanted to be here on Earth. Somehow, with the Angels support, I was now enjoying with being here. Many people ask how the Angels can help. I believe that if we open to receive their love and guidance we are more loving and peaceful with ourselves and others. I would like to share a couple of my own personal stories with you about how the Angels have helped me. One day, during a very difficult time in my life I was taking a walk feeling depressed and alone. At this point I had not been communicating with any Angels. I heard a voice in my head say: “We are here”. Stopped in my tracks I said in my mind: “Who is there?” and they started to rattle off their names, going on and on, for at least five minutes. I felt completely loved, supported and was so grateful for the reminder of their presence as I was crying walking down the road. You see, I had forgotten that I have all the unconditional love and support I could ever need. Two years ago, I again found myself at a crossroads. I started asking God and the Angels “How can I be of service” to help others, for I was doing nothing and there are people in need. This led me on an immersion into the Angelic realm where they showed me how to create essential oil blends and infuse them with their energy to help others attune to them. With this immersion came much more clarity and energy through me from the Angels. So, does it mean that if you work with the Angels that you will not have any problems? No. It means that if you allow the Angels to be a part of your life, you have help to understand and have compassion for yourself and others. The Angels can give you guidance about what actions to take and help you know that you are loved unconditionally and that the world is a wonderful place. The Angels want to help everyone. If you are interested in learning how to communicate and receive the Angels love and messages, give yourself the gift of experiencing the Angels in your life. With my 5 week online Angelic Communication Immersion class May you always know the Angels love for you. Love, Misty |
Heavenly Oils