![]() Would you like to live a life free of fear, anger, poverty, resentment and strife? It is our soul's deepest desire. Today I received a message from the Angels who revealed to me how you can have the freedom your soul desires. Well, the truth is, the Angels have been wanting me to do a year-end healing seminar, but I had not been unable to bring forth what they wanted me to offer you. This morning they guided me to a coffee shop to work because I receive information when I am around others. Go figure, because I really prefer my alone time :) Below is the message that I was guided to give you. May you feel and know the true meaning of their words as you read this: Dear Beloveds, Our deepest desire for you is for you to truly know that you are free. You are free to live a life FREE of fear, anger, poverty, resentment and strife. You are free to be you, to share and express your gifts to the world. You are free to decide how you want to do this. To move forward, toward your freedom, you must let go of the past. If you want to step into higher frequencies, you must NOT hold on to limiting beliefs, old experiences or agreements that are holding you back. Much has changed since you agreed to embody here on Earth and you knew that the time would come when you would have to choose to be free. This is that time. You no longer need to have experiences to resolve old conflicts. It is time for you to move forward, and we are here to assist. We know that many of you are ready to step forward and claim your power to help others. You may be called to do this in a public way, or to be behind the scenes holding the space for others. You are needed! Your gifts are needed! If you have been feeling stuck, bombarded with energies of the collective, fearful or powerless in any way, we are here to assist. It is our greatest honor to be available to assist you during this unprecedented time. We know it has not been easy, and we know you are ready. What will be your choice? Will you ask us for assistance? Much Love, The Angels I am humbled and honored to be of service to you by bringing the Angels into your life, creating an opening for them to help you in any way you need to claim your freedom. To learn more contact me. Love, Misty
If this is your true desire of how to live, you may be like me and heard "You need to live in the real world" all your life. There is a part of me that knows that this is possible, and I now know that I am here to be a part of bringing it in. So how do we get there? I decided to ask the Angels. Here is their answer: It all begins with each of you individually. You get to choose. When you have cleared your consciousness of old mental and emotional baggage, letting go of old fear, anger, hostility and guilt, your consciousness and vibration raises. When you gain mastery over your thoughts, you create your future in a different way. We are here to help you move to the next level. We are here to clear away the old baggage and transmute the old energies. It is time! When the old is cleared we will activate the higher vibrational energies within you so that you are supported in your quest. Do not get caught up in the numbers or levels, just know that you will always be going higher. This is not a fairy tale. This is not airy fairy. This is the truth about your choices right now. When you have done your part and moved yourself forward, you effect everything. When you come into contact with others, they entrain to your higher vibration and they start to change. It starts with you, and we are here to assist! ![]() We are on session 6 of the Embody Your Soul program. Much has been cleared and come up for us to look at. Some people are starting to experience moments of pure happiness - not dependent upon anything. This is a true letting go. Before one of our earlier sessions Jeshua gifted us with this message. I thought I would share it with you here... Love, Misty Hello Love,
In your world, your worthiness has been dependent upon everything outside of yourself. It all starts with trying to please others. To having your needs fulfilled. To receiving the love you so desire. You were taught, like your parents and their parents before them and their parents before them, that you only deserve love when you are “good”, when you do or say the right things, when you please someone. You did not know there was another place to look for love. You see, that is what you are here for: to bring the love of God to Earth. You are remembering that you are love, it is the core of who you are… and everyone. Everyone has forgotten to different degrees. You, Dear One, have been searching. Searching for love. Searching to remember that you are love and are a conduit for that love to be brought into your world. Open to receive. I will bring and activate that love within you, so that you no longer have to search. Give me all your worries, fears and doubts. Give me your dreams and desires. Give me your pains and thoughts. I know you. I know everything about you. I know all of these things, so hand them over. As you let go and open to receive, you will carry more love, more light, everywhere you go, in everything you do, in everything you say. I am here for you. I am here to take your burdens. I am here to help you know that you are worthy of all you desire. I am here to help you know that you are love, and will not believe anything else. I am here to bring the Holy Spirit to you for you to know the truth. When it pops up – and it will – remember my words “Your Worthiness is Established by God”. And if your worthiness is, so is everyone’s – but only if they accept it. Will you? Much love dear ones! At your service. Jeshua ![]() The Angels want you to know that they are here supporting you ~ and everyone during your trying times. They want to help you and give you a process you can do at any time. It only takes a moment and can make a world of difference! I like to remember that the Angels and help is only one thought away. Here is their message for you... Dear Ones,
There is no way for you to comprehend the enormity of “sacrifice” certain souls have agreed to live out in their lifetime. To some extent, you all “suffer” in order to learn, grow and awaken. Some of you have chosen very private circumstances while others have agreed to play parts to be seen by everyone. We want you to know that regardless of your own path, you are all here working toward one goal; to awaken to the truth of who you are as love, and to live that, every moment of your life. You may have heard this a dozen times, in a dozen ways, and we want to make it real for you today. Right now, take a moment and think of one thing that really pains you. It may be a world event, difficult relationship or physical ailment. Take a moment to ask Archangel Raphael (the healing Angel), to comfort you regarding this situation, to see it differently, to feel different about it. In your head call Raphael by name: “Archangel Raphael, Please help me see _______ (name situation) differently. I give you all my worries, cares, anger, resentment, fears, ________ (anything else that comes to mind) regarding this. Please lift them from me now. I know that I do not see the whole picture of this situation, so please help me to learn, grow and awaken through this. Help me to understand that everything is working out for the best. Help me to feel compassion for myself and everyone involved. Please dissolve and heal any effects this has had on me, in all ways, and forms, throughout all time, space and dimensions. Take a moment to close your eyes, breathe, let go of everything, and let the work be done. Then ask: “Archangel Michael, please buoy my faith in God and humanity that all souls may awaken and live in love. Help me to know what I must do for my part.” “Thank you! Thank you! Thank you!” Breathe it in and know that we are always here to be of assistance. Call upon us at any time. Much love to you. The Angels have imparted to me over and over that when we react to events with an energy lower than love, we are only feeding the fear, anger, greed (or other emotion). In fact, we actually tap into it, feed it and it feeds us – it is a cycle. To bring about change, we must break the cycle. We must let go so that when we do take action, it is based in love. You may start a movement or be quietly holding the space, either is equally important. You are important, you matter. May you always know you are loved beyond imagine. Love, Misty
A few years ago, when the Angels wanted me to learn some new healing techniques, I agreed and embarked on a very profound and powerful journey. Their form of healing was a little different than what I thought healing to be. It was to integrate all aspects of my being and bring them into alignment and agreement with the Will of God. To achieve this, they gifted me with a process to embody my soul and the ability to hold the space and teach others to do the same. In an attempt to put into words and impart the enormity of this gift and I wanted to share what I believe today. At some point during our lives here on earth, most of us decided to forget who we really are and became disconnected from our source. We knew we would, so before we came, we made a divine plan and agreed that everything we were to experience would act as a catalyst to push us toward remembering our true nature. To help us on this journey, we have at least one Guardian Angel always by our side. They are guiding, comforting and reminding us that each experience is to help us find our way back. Some have chosen experiences of lack, heartbreak, victimhood, physical pain, or emotional discomfort while others experience a profound knowing they are missing their purpose or feel disconnected. When it is time to leave this body, it will be our eternal nature, our soul that leaves, and once again we will be unbound by the constraints of our bodies and earthly experiences. For our souls to forever expand, grow and change we may decide a new set of circumstances and do it all over again. I believe everything you have ever experienced has brought you to this place today, to make a choice to embody your soul and live from its wisdom, courage and grace… so how do we do this? The process the Angels gave me has three powerful aspects to be completed in order by using a combination of profound spiritual healing sessions, practical tools, powerful processes and Angelic guidance.
ring the process of integrating my soul, I found that at first my soul did not stay in my body. I had to remember to consciously bring it back and learn to trust, honor and respect its power and wisdom. Now, it rarely leaves and I have felt empowered as never before. Here’s what you can expect when you fully embody your soul and bring yourself into agreement and learn to create with the Will of God… You know and experience who you truly are, as a unique aspect of spirit in form as the eternal soul you are. You know that everything has happened for your spiritual evolution. That when others hurt or blamed you, it was not your fault. When you failed, it was not your fault. You trust in your guidance. When it tells you that being around certain people or places does not feel good - you leave. When you need to make changes in your habits - it is easy. You know without a doubt that you are here to raise the vibration of this planet for the benefit of all souls while bringing into form your expression as a way shower to help others. You are literally living your Divinity on earth. You are expressing yourself as the eternal soul that you are. You will be fine… no matter what your experiences, because you are eternal. Is the timing right for the next step in your evolution? Check in with your Angels, highest self and soul to seek their blessing to transform to your next higher expression. If you are you ready to release what limits you and step into the arms of the Divine & infinite possibility. If you have a deep desire to relate to this world with peace, love and understanding – no matter what is happening… I am here to hold the space, support you and be the catalyst for change you need to step forward on your path of awakening and empowerment by embodying your soul.
![]() Grace is a gift that has been given to me in times of despair, when my heart has been broken open, when my resistance is down, when I have needed a greater connection and meaning in my life. Each time I have received the gift of grace, I have been filled with hope for a better future, fears were wiped away and change came about very quickly. “Grace is the acceptance of the Love of God within a world of seeming hate and fear. Grace touches your soul and reminds you that you are not alone. It is more than a thought - it is an integrated knowing that everything is ok. When you are given the gift of grace, nothing can take it from you. You have no fear, no worries or doubts. It is known and fully understood. You cannot conjure grace. You cannot learn grace. You can ask for grace to be given you. You can ready yourself with an open mind that has become aware that there are things you don’t know. It is in this state you are ready to receive the gift of Grace. “His gift of grace is more than just an answer. It restores all memories the sleeping mind forgot; all certainty of what Love’s meaning is.” ~A Course in Miracles L168 I shared one of my moments of grace in 365 Moments of Grace, a compilation of 365 personal stories of grace, miracles, and transformations from beautiful souls all around the world. "Courage is grace under pressure." ~Ernest Hemingway Have you ever had a moment of grace?
The Archangels embody and direct different aspects of God and can give them to you for your understanding and use. They are here to help you accelerate your spiritual progress. If you are reading this, whether you know it or not, you are being overseen by at least one of the Archangels. You may not even be aware that they are working with you. It is only when you start asking for their assistance and are grateful for it, that you open to consciously receive their help. A message from Archangel Uriel: “Every human is made as a receptor for the highest aspects/virtues of God. We angels can activate this energy within you so that you can bring it into your lives. When you bring the Angels into your lives and start working with us here is what happens: your relationships harmonize, you raise your vibration, your thought forms change to the knowing that everything will work out, you make choices for a higher purpose, and you forgive for no apparent reason. You carry this vibration with you in all that you do, you take it to the grocery store with you, and you impart it to your family. Wherever you go, the Angels go with you, harmonizing all of life. Does this mean that you will not have hardship? No… this means that you will move through it faster, that you will have a deeper understanding of what you are learning, that you will choose love over fear and open to receive even more love. You have been parched and depleted because you have been shut off from receiving these energies. It is time to fill your cup. It is time you open to receive.” Please share…
What Archangel do you relate to most? Is this the challenge/lesson that you are currently working on? Is this your life purpose? How do you feel they help you? When I first started working with the Angels, I focused on receiving answers to questions. Then, I experienced the power of their healing and realized they could do so much more! You see, when you are experiencing unease in your relationships, negative mental chatter that won't quit, feelings of not fitting in, fear or worry that you cannot control... all of these issues stem from energy that has built up within or around you. ![]() It may very well be an experience from this lifetime or brought with you from another, societal conditioning, religious beliefs, or entity attachments. I liken it to dust. If you never dust, it builds up, and pretty soon your furniture is lackluster. It may come off in one swipe, or if left long enough, it may take a few swipes and extra scrubbing. You are the same way. You pick up dust from all your experiences, your relationships, your environment, your thoughts and the food you eat. You may also be hooked into the collective consciousness or you may be carrying out a contract that no longer serves you. Feel like too much? Then know this... Whatever it is, it can be cleared! It takes your willingness and vigilance to let go, receive healing, keep clear, and trust that there is a better way. ...and THE MOST IMPORTANT THING is that all of these energies are keeping you stuck! Once the energy is cleared and you are filled with the love, peace & joy of God, you no longer carry those old attractor patterns and your life starts to change... ~ your relationships loose that edge ~ your mind is clear of negativity ~ you are receiving inspiration of actions to take ~ you feel better ~ you are going with the flow of life It all changes without you having to make it happen. Yes, you may need to take action, but it will be very clear and easy to do. I know all of this, because many years ago I was there. I was stuck in a job I hated, I was plagued with fibromyalgia and couldn't even vacuum, and my relationships were all stressed. I see changes in my clients every day. Their relationships are harmonious, they lose the tension in their body, their hot flashes have disappeared, their minds are clear of negativity, and new opportunities come to them. If any of this is ringing true for you, and you want your life to be different, then give yourself this very important gift. Make a commitment to yourself and join us for a group of sessions and see if it helps... The Group Healing Circle will be on the 1st & 3rd Wednesdays of each month @ 6pm MST It's Free for now...
You can attend via web, or phone and they will be recorded in the event you cannot attend live. Click Here to join or learn more. See you soon! Love, Misty
Next time you are out in nature, open to receiving messages from the nature spirits. I didn't used to be able to get messages, but the angels have told me that once you climb to the top of the mountain (like The high vibrational angels) then you can more easily communicate with beings on all lower vibrational levels when you choose to.
if you would like to learn more I offer my learn to communicate with the Angels and Healing with the Archangels online classes for home study at your own pace. You can find them here. Or I have private mentoring and other 1:1 programs available. You can contact me here regarding this. I would love to hear from you about your experiences and any questions you might have. Please feel free to leave a comment or email me. Love, Misty You may look to other people, pets, nature, food or alcohol to find what you are missing.
What do you think you will get from getting what you are seeking? Love, money, material things, a sense of belonging or self-worth? This is what has been coming up within myself and clients recently. We have been exploring why we desire things. Why change or loss is so hard for us. Why do we hold on? What is it we really want & need? Can others give it to us? What then happens when they are no longer in our life? Who would you be then? What would you do then? When I ponder all of these questions I know one thing for sure: I want to feel happy and fulfilled without being dependent upon any circumstance, place or person. I want to feel loved without the expectation of anything in return. I want to know in the core of my being that I will never be let down, or abandoned. I have this knowing that all of the experiences of my life have brought me to this point; searching, seeking that which will really fulfill me. The feeling that I did not belong here on Earth, the feeling of abandonment I felt when my Dad left, debilitating illness, forgetting who I am, lack of fulfillment from working just to accumulate material things. How about you? What are you seeking? I am here to be love. The only way I know how to do this is to establish a living connection with my creator. In this connection I AM whole, I AM complete, I need nothing. This is what I have been searching for my whole life. It is only in this space that I am truly at peace. This can only be taken away if I choose. If this is what you are seeking, let go of everything, realize that only your connection will fulfill you. Let go of what/who you think God is and even how your connection should happen. Have your own experience. You are different from every other human being on this planet. You are not alone, ask for help from God and the Angels to clear anything that stands in your way and to fulfill your desires. Know that you are worthy of this attention, of this love. Have a daily practice, meditation or study that helps you get connected. Allow yourself to receive that which you are truly seeking. If you are looking for support and guidance to clear your past, accelerate your journey, and are open to Heavenly Help, I would love to learn about you and your dreams. CLICK HERE to schedule a no cost consultation. May you always know you are loved and powerful beyond imagine! Love, Misty Do you ever wake up in the morning and feel so deeply alone or feel like you are living without purpose here on Earth? You may have sought answers from science or religion without finding what is true for you. You can have a great job, wonderful family, perfect home and still feel this way. You are seeking a higher truth; an integrated knowing about who you are and why you are here; a real connection to the Divine. Angels can help you. They are found in all major religions, but themselves are not religious. They are available to all whom request their assistance and want to help you in your everyday life. They can help you get a great parking spot, green lights, find friends and have great ideas. All of these things are very helpful and can make your days magical, but this is just the beginning of what they can help with. The higher purpose of Angels is to help you awaken to the truth of They help you do this by clearing old familial, societal and energetic programming, experiences and beliefs that have kept you from expanding your consciousness and accessing higher truth. They trigger within you latent frequencies such as love, peace and joy so that you can raise your vibration and activate your spiritual power. Angels will help you have that connection to God that your soul is seeking! You are here to bring light to the world, to live without fear and share your God given gifts.
Ask the Angels for help!! It has taken me many years and trials to tap into the truth of who I am and my spiritual power. To have the ability to speak from my heart. To feel like the same person no matter what I am doing. To not be controlled by others and rise above lower energies. To love myself and create a life I love. Pain and fear were my catalyst for transformation. I had to hit rock bottom before I would ask for help or take action to make a change. This does not have to be how you do it. If you are looking for support and guidance to accelerate your journey, and are open to Heavenly Help, I currently have space for a few new private clients. I would love to learn about you and your dreams. Click here to schedule a no cost consultation. May you always know you are loved and powerful beyond imagine! Love, Misty How are you feeling today? Are you in a state of Grace? Do you feel Peaceful, Loving, and Joyful?
Are these feelings something you can conjure up from inside anytime you want? Do they happen only when you have something fun planned or are in meditation? Are they something that is bestowed upon you? How do you achieve them? These are the questions I have asked over the years. I believe that there are many ways to experience these states and ways of being. The way I have learned to achieve them is by working with the Angels. At first they came to me at times of utter surrender. Times when I just couldn’t make sense of what was happening. When I felt so much anger or fear. I didn’t know what to do, so I started handing over the fear and anger and asking for grace, understanding and peace. I was amazed when it would come, sometimes the next day, sometimes immediately by gently flowing in and changing me. When this surrender worked for the big things, I started surrendering everything and asking for more peace, love and joy. I started receiving more. Now I am in these states and feelings most of the time. My perceptions of what things are for and why things happen have changed. The world has not changed, the way I experience it has changed. Believe me, if I can do this, so can you. You are Love, Joy, Peace and Grace. They are within you and the Angels want you to know that they want to help you to get back to your original state. To awaken to the truth of who you are. To trust there is a different way to experience your life. To Be Grace. To Be Love. To Be Joy. To Be Peace. The Angels deliver these gifts as energy - or light – to your soul. As you receive the gift, it awakens the same energy frequency within you and brings you into resonance with it, so that your energy is changed. When you change your energy, it changes the energy of all those we come into contact with, it changes the energy of the Earth. Start today. Surrender all that does not feel good, and ask for the gifts of Grace, Love, Joy and Peace! ![]() Many years ago I was interested in learning more about A Course in Miracles. At the time I had a small metaphysical store that I now think of my place of awakening. One day in December a man walked in and wanted to start A Course in Miracles study group. I was in - at least until he told me he wanted the group to commit to doing a lesson a day and reading a part in the text for a whole year. I wasn't ready to make that type of commitment, but knowing I would do my own thing anyway, I agreed. On January 1st we started to meet weekly in the back room, with only three of us. The meetings were magical! Being sensitive to energy I could feel the presence of Jesus and the transmission of the words as we read the text and did the lesson of the day. Many times I felt that Jesus wanted to speak through me at these meetings. I squelched it, not believing for a second that I was worthy of this. How would people react to me if they knew? Who would I be, or become? I am crying, writing this, as I now know how to let the words flow through me when I am doing healing work. As the months went on, the only thing I wanted to do every day was the Course and I made it through the whole year. Others joined us in our sacred space and instead of allowing the feeling of the words to wash over us, it became a place to discuss the meaning of the words. Because I never receive the words on an intellectual level, I decided to study on my own. There have been times when I threw my book down, vowing that it was a bunch of bull. I always went back because it reaches me at my core. After going through the Course many times, I would not say that I believe every word or thought, but each time I receive it on a deeper level. Sometimes, I only get a few words read and I go into a state I call Grace ~ that place of connection, receive and giving. I have learned that the Course is very personal and there is no wrong way to do it. If you get stuck on the words, just allow yourself to be in a place of not knowing, and just moving on to the next lesson. Most of all, be in a state of receiving. If you have a story, please share. Love, Misty ![]() I am excited for this Holiday season! Christmas music, baking, trimming the tree, gathering with friends & family, sharing the love... But there have been those holidays in the past when things were not easy. My dad was sick and passed away at Christmas. Years where it was emotionally difficult to be around my family. Other years I was lonely, depressed or overwhelmed. Not to mention the financial stress... The Angels are always available to help and have given me 5 messages, including ways they can help you Breeze Through the Holidays with Ease & Grace. 1. When you help others, you help yourself. The Angels are here to help, and will, just remember to ask. Here are a couple of ways to be of service and help you to feel good at the same time: Ask Archangel Raphael and the Angels of Healing to go with you everywhere: shopping, work, parties, family gatherings to help everyone in that place. Ask that if someone needs a Healing Angel that one or more go home with them. Archangel Jophiel will help you be of service. Sometimes, a smile or holding the door for someone will make their day. Ask Archangel Jophiel to help you know exactly what to say, what to do, or help you with a gift idea for that hard to buy for person on your list. 2. Know that your family and long-term relationships are about learning. Your lesson may be to ask for help, say no, help more or help less. Ask Archangel Chamuel to step into your relationships and mediate. Archangel Chamuel will help everyone to communicate from the heart. You may be sharing energy of fear with your family members with energetic cords. If you feel drained after being around someone, ask Archangel Michael to cut any cords of fear that you may have with them, knowing that you keep all the love and lessons you have shared. Then ask Archangel Raphael to completely dissolve the severed ends of those cords, going both ways, all the way to the core. 3. Know that you are never alone Your Guardian Angel has been with you forever...loving you, guiding you. If you feel alone or depressed, ask your Guardian Angel to comfort you. Know that your loved ones in Heaven are doing fine. Light a candle for them, write them a letter, display a particular ornament in a special place, or make a donation in their name. Don't expect too much of yourself. Allow yourself to be sad but also to experience joy. 4. Only do what you can Don't overspend so that you will struggle or have regrets later. Focus on giving love. Take care of yourself. Make it OK to say no, go for a walk, take a time-out, be a little bit late or leave a little bit early. Ask for Help when you need it. When you ask for help, you allow others to give and that helps everyone. 5. Remember everyone is on a different path Know that others choices are perfect for them right now, even if you don't agree or understand. If your loved one is in need of help, ask God and the Angels to help them trusting that they know what is best for everyone concerned. Of course, if you are guided to help, do so - without expectations. May you Breeze Through the Holidays with the Help of the Angels. Love, Misty ![]() Reflecting on how the Angelic Chakra Oils came about, I realized it is a classic - "follow the bread crumbs story". For me it was a great reminder that when you are drawn to something, you never know how you will use it in the future. That you don't need to see the whole road ahead, just to the next corner. Can I share it with you? A few months ago a friend said "you need to make chakra oils". I usually listen to what people say - but when this friend gets a message for me - it hits me between the eyes - so I really listen. Anyway, when I asked the Angels (always my next step) if they wanted me to make chakra oils, they had me start working on them right away. I started by asking for guidance (3rd step) and making the labels - for 7 chakras. This was different, because every other oil I have made the label last. You may notice that the final set has 9 chakras. We are talking about working with the Angels here - who have a much larger knowledge of energy than we do. They guided me to experience them for myself, and of course the extra two are included. The earth star chakra is located below the feet and extends into the earth. This chakra anchors and aligns body and soul into the Earth and creates a grounded connection. The soul star chakra is situated above the top of the head and is where our individual (ego) existence melds with the universe and is our connection to our soul and higher self. When it was time to come up with how each chakra relates to the Archangels, I realized that I had already received most of the information - in spurts. For many years Archangel Metatron has helped me and others in my healing sessions to clear chakras with his Metatron Cube. Then the Angels taught me to ask for clearing of the chakras and auric field. If our energy systems are disrupted or blocked we are less able to cope and feel stressed, which in turn has a negative impact on our physical being. Then Angels have said that keeping our energy clear is the most important thing. The Angels have told me true healing is the integration of your body, mind, spirit, soul & higher self. When all parts are integrated - joy, peace and love fill your being and extend out around you, making you unshakable and happy. The Angels taught me how to embody my soul (and also help others)to bring into alignment and agreement all aspects of myself. Divine Will came next, drawing the aspects into the chakras. Divine Will is a powerful electrical force of pure spiritual energy that infuses your personality with new, or latent, skills and power to carry out your soul's goals and purposes. As you work with the Archangels and draw Divine Will into your chakras, you are activating and strengthening your personal will, planting the seeds of change and evolution that you can harvest for years to come. Little did I know that I would be making a creation that would use all of these things I had been working with. The Angelic Chakra Oils are designed to work whether you do it consciously or not, as the Archangels are overseeing their use. However, when you consciously use the oils the effects are greatly amplified.
![]() Did you see Wayne Dyer's newest video series? After watching the first video I had an aha moment about a process the Angels gifted me. It all started many years ago when I picked up Wayne Dyer’s “The Power of Intention” on CD. After listening to his wonderful voice for hours on end, I vowed to change my life, and started my spiritual journey. It has been quite a ride, and I will be forever grateful for his work and inspiration. Today I finished a newer video series made by Wayne Dyer, before his passing, where he was talking about Awakening to the Divine Intelligence within. In the first video he was talking about the soul. I could feel the strength of his presence, see him flowing the energy and know how profound it is. You see, months ago the Angels gifted me with a process to embody the soul and bring it into alignment and agreement with all aspects of myself. After meeting and embodying my soul I found that it is my true power, holds all of my experiences, and has no judgement. I realized my higher self receives ideas from spirit and my soul creates those ideas into form. I have always had many ideas to create, but was just not bringing them into the physical. I was missing the power to create and the agreement & alignment needed. I was not living to my full potential. My soul had been just waiting for me to make that choice. Obviously Wayne Dyer had created so much, and yet was saying that this was his most important work. If you watch the whole video set you may notice that in the third video the presence of soul is not as strong. It has been my experience that when I am tired or too much in the thinking mind my soul does not stay in my body. This is why I am so grateful that the Angels taught me a practical, easy way to embody my soul, and bring it back into my awareness, so that I can consciously create with the power of divine will. I had not realized until watching these video’s the enormity of this gift the Angels have given me. Thank you again Dr. Dyer! You can enjoy his first 2 videos here: http://links.hayhouse.mkt5657.com/servlet/MailView?ms=NDk4NDA2MjAS1&r=NTU1NTkxOTMzMTgS1&j=NzgzMDcxNTUwS0&mt=1&rt=0 If you are interested in learning more about this accelerated soul integration process with the Archangels I would love to visit with you. Click Here for your free consultation. Love, Misty ![]() When we are asking for gifts, most of us are asking for worldly things. We might ask for a great parking space, friends, money, or healing of our physical bodies. The Angels want us to ask for these things and are happy to help. However, we may be cutting ourselves short. The Angels, who deliver gifts and messages from God, reminded me today that real gifts are things like: Peace, Love, Joy, Faith, Forgiveness, Grace or Inspiration. They said that when we ask for and receive these things everything changes. Let's say you are having a hard time getting your husband (or wife) to do something. You might ask the Angels to help them change or to be inspired, but instead you the Angels to bring you Peace. You let it fill your heart and mind and then you know that everything will be done with perfect timing, that all is well. You no longer push or feel resentment. This is the real game changer, because when you received the gift of peace, you have changed your relationship. You are not reacting, you are allowing, you are being. They may or may not do what you wanted them to do, but solutions will appear, and you will be at peace. Of course, we have to remember to ask and then be open to receive. It is a practice and well worth the time. Try it out. Ask for your gift today. Thank you Angels!! ![]() Have you ever had one of those days where everything seems easy? When you are in the divine flow and life is magical? There is no work, no wanting, it just is - you are allowing for the unfolding of everything to come to you - and it does.
Love, Misty ![]() People ask me all the time, how can Angels help you? Angels are God’s gift to us. They are an up-close and personal way for us to receive God’s love, peace, strength and wisdom. One of their purposes is to help us in all areas of our life. They are just waiting for you to ask, because otherwise they will not interfere. When we ask the Angels for help they ALWAYS respond. Our job is ask and then be open to receive. When is the last time you asked the Angels to:
Love, Misty ![]()
Permeating grace, Mary has told me she is committed to helping all "Children of Earth". This oil blend is a reminder to ask and receive comfort from Mother Mary.
This oil was especially wonderful to create. Let me share with you how this oil came about and tell a couple of stories about my experiences with Mary. During a session with a friend who is very close to Mary, I was honored to be asked to make an oil blend to be overseen by her. Mary was working with us and relating that she and millions of women & angels (her helpers) are ready and willing to help women at this time. We just need to ASK. Mary says that women now are asked to be and do everything; taking care of their families, be a wife and have a career. We may be doing it all alone. We are depleted and worn out. We may want this and yet there are parts of us that don't quite know how to make it work. Many of us have turned off our feminine gifts of power in exchange for masculine power. Of course, she has said that men's roles have changed just as much. They are also adjusting and she will help them as well. Anyway.... not being close to Mary, or ever working with her before this session, I asked her for more information in order to attune me to make an oil blend. Weeks later I was in a second hand store looking at books. You know the kind of place: where books are literally piled on the shelves and in stacks on the floor. The lights were not on because it was raining and they had a leak. In a hurry, because they were getting ready to close, my attention caught on a plain blue book on top of a waist high stack; "Queen of the Cosmos". I picked up the book and noticed it was about the visionaries of Medjugorje, six young people that have been having apparitions since 1981. This was just the right connection to get me started. When I gifted my friend a bottle of the oil (long before the label came) she saw the whole room fill with flowers. Magical! Thank you Mary! Now, Mary very often comes into my sessions to help. She is a master healer. While working with Mother Mary I never get a sense of sorrow or fear; only love, grace and strength. Not the strength of pushing or commanding, it is a feminine strength of wisdom and knowing. One of my clients was having a hard time releasing the negative feelings she had with her departed mother. Around Mother's Day Mary brought the mother's higher self and asked my client to make amends. Of course, she said yes, and was filled with so much love. Thank you Mary! Mary's Embrace is my own mother's favorite oil blend. She has recently been in rehabilitation for an acute illness. When she uses the oil she can feel Mary's comfort. Lots of the nurses are also enjoying it. When is the last time you asked Mary for comfort? Say slowly, allowing time between phrases: "Dear Beloved Mother Mary & Your Heavenly Helpers, Comfort Me… Heal my mind from all fear & doubts… Comfort Me… Heal my body from all illness… Comfort Me... Show me the Beauty & Gifts in all things… Comfort Me… Comfort Me." Love, Misty I am filled with such gratitude for what the Angels have given me and I want to share it with you. The Archangels have gifted me with attunements for 3 new healing techniques to raise our vibration, clear our energy and accelerate our evolution.
Here's a bit about each new technique: DNA Healing & Activation - Are you ready to take the next step in your evolution? Ready to be you? To realize and embody the divinity that you are? To let go of what is not you and let your truth shine? This is for you! Since DNA regulates all physical, mental, emotional and spiritual aspects of our being, the possibilities for change are endless! Get Connected. Archangel Aura Healing - Receive a healing on all levels and learn how to ask the angels to keep you clear and in alignment. The health of our energy systems & aura determines our mental, emotional, and spiritual well-being. If our energy systems are disrupted or blocked we are less able to cope, and feel stressed, which in turn has a negative impact on our physical being and mental health. Soul Integration - Do you know your Soul? Our soul knows and expresses true Divine Will and purpose. Your soul's essence is love. As you embody and become aware of the beauty of your soul, you will know how special, unique and perfect you are. You will discover how to tap into your soul's love, light, will, power and presence to create wonderful and powerful changes in your life. Happy Spring & Much Love! Misty ![]() Lately I have been contemplating the energy of God. Being inescapably kinesthetic, when I am connected to God I feel connected to everything; there is no right or wrong, good or bad, it just is. This is a wonderful place to be in knowing that I am part of all that and yet I find it impersonal. On the other hand, when I connect with the Angels it seems they direct a personal aspect of all that is to me. If it is love that I am needing to feel, they fill me and give me the knowing that I am loved beyond imagine, love not for the things I do, but because I am. If it is strength that I need, I am reminded that all I need to do is ask and receive the strength of God and I receive the grace to handle anything in a way that I know is best for everyone involved. If it is peace that I need, they know the bigger picture of the outcome and can help me to feel that everything is ok, even if it doesn’t look like it through my eyes. The Angels are our helpers, friends and want us to be happy and live a life of passion and fulfillment. All we have to do is to remember to ask for their help. Just thinking their name brings them to your side, awaiting your asking to give you what you need. Of course, the Angels are not the only bridges to God. Here is the western world, Jesus is a main bridge. In the East they have other helpers; Buddha, Quan Yin, Vishnu, Krishna, Devi, Ganesh. If you don’t resonate with any of the religious deities, create your own image of God. Would it be the best parent imaginable or maybe your best friend? Having a personal connection to the Divine within my heart helps me to receive all that I cannot expect to receive from anyone here on earth. It fills me with the energy and inspiration to allow God to live and work through me giving my life so much more purpose. It helps me raise my consciousness and vibration so that I can be free from lower thoughts and emotional patterns allowing my life to be full of miracles. May you always know you are loved beyond imagine. Misty ![]() The other night I watched a movie called “What If….” on Netflix. In the story the main character had left his college sweetheart, and ultimately his faith, in order to pursue a lucrative business opportunity. His guardian angel (appearing as a tow truck driver) had to literally knock him out a couple of times so that he could show him a different way of life, filled with true happiness and fulfillment. I am sure my guardian angel has had to knock me out a couple of times to get my attention. Smiles…. When angels help us, sometimes they do so in ways that may not be immediately recognizable. They often deliver answers, hints, messages, and warnings through signs, thoughts or emotions. The Angels are masters at energy healing on the spiritual, mental, emotional and even the physical levels. Angels, beings of pure love, are always available and know that life on Earth is not easy. Most of us are full of fear, resentment, and anger from our past mistakes, experiences or beliefs. Angels can help us to let go of and transform out thoughts, emotions and fears so that the joy within us can bubble up and be felt and shared with the world. There are so many things going on in this world that we do not understand. As much as we may try to find a rational answer, it is elusive. With the help and guidance of angels we can see things from a different perspective and have faith in goodness. Somehow, you may find yourself living with a peaceful knowing that everything is fine in the grand scheme of things, even though nothing on the outside has changed. It is up to us to ask for angels help in our lives. With practice and openness we can receive and translate the messages and love they want to give. After we receive their messages we can then take divinely guided action feeling inspired, and supported with an inner strength that cannot be penetrated by others judgments or actions. If you would like to learn more about how your angels help us check out my free webinar 5 C's to Receive Angelic Inspiration & Healing or the Learn to Communicate with the Angels E-Course. Love, Misty ![]() Are you choosing to live your life trusting in God's divine plan, your ego's plan or your Soul's drama? Recently I have been pondering the difference between Soul and Spirit and found an answer that feels true for me. Sonia Choquette in her book Grace, Guidance & Gifts explains the difference stating that moving from limited human consciousness to limitless Divine Spiritual consciousness, merging our soul and our Divine Spirit, is our conscious human quest. The soul contains all our feelings, involvements, learning, love, confusion and understanding from the moment of separation from source to the present, where we yearn for the moment of reunion. That is why the soul seeks, drawing from all of its experiences to achieve wholeness. The Spirit is the timeless divine spark of holiness within, the eternal flame of light that has never been separated from Source. An extension of the One Spirit, our Spirit oversees the soul on its journey home. The soul is the "self" that experiences life, the spirit is the witness overseeing the "experiencing" part of you that is learning. When ruled solely by the soul/ego, we tend to repeat old, outworn patterns of behavior, can become clouded by our perceptions, allow our ego's fears to outshine love. We become easily depressed and angered, and feel victimized. When the Spirit within us rules, we have a clear and strong sense of who we our, know our boundaries, stand in strong emotion without loosing ourselves, see humor in all things and laugh at ourselves. I have come to understand that my work with the Angels, beings of pure Divine Spirit, gives me and those that I work the with opportunity to move our focus toward our Spiritual nature. This allows me to guide my soul to surrender and follow the light. This does not mean that I no longer have challenges or feel victimized. It means that I don't stay there as long as I used to and reminds me to choose to dismantle the drama and liberate my soul with the power of my Spirit receiving all that I need from God. I trust in God's divine plan over my ego's plan or my Soul's dramas. ![]() Many years ago I was sick, unhappy and downright miserable. One day I found myself in a store and picked up the Archangel Oracle card deck by Doreen Virtue. Pulling a card every morning gave me at least something positive to focus on to start my day. Soon, I began to feel more peaceful and my physical ailments started to go away. One day I thought that I had began hearing messages from the Angels and decided to take the Angel Therapy course. During the course I realized that I was really getting messages from the Angels and that if I can everyone can. I realized that my whole life I had never really wanted to be here on Earth. Somehow, with the Angels support, I was now enjoying with being here. Many people ask how the Angels can help. I believe that if we open to receive their love and guidance we are more loving and peaceful with ourselves and others. I would like to share a couple of my own personal stories with you about how the Angels have helped me. One day, during a very difficult time in my life I was taking a walk feeling depressed and alone. At this point I had not been communicating with any Angels. I heard a voice in my head say: “We are here”. Stopped in my tracks I said in my mind: “Who is there?” and they started to rattle off their names, going on and on, for at least five minutes. I felt completely loved, supported and was so grateful for the reminder of their presence as I was crying walking down the road. You see, I had forgotten that I have all the unconditional love and support I could ever need. Two years ago, I again found myself at a crossroads. I started asking God and the Angels “How can I be of service” to help others, for I was doing nothing and there are people in need. This led me on an immersion into the Angelic realm where they showed me how to create essential oil blends and infuse them with their energy to help others attune to them. With this immersion came much more clarity and energy through me from the Angels. So, does it mean that if you work with the Angels that you will not have any problems? No. It means that if you allow the Angels to be a part of your life, you have help to understand and have compassion for yourself and others. The Angels can give you guidance about what actions to take and help you know that you are loved unconditionally and that the world is a wonderful place. The Angels want to help everyone. If you are interested in learning how to communicate and receive the Angels love and messages, give yourself the gift of experiencing the Angels in your life. With my 5 week online Angelic Communication Immersion class May you always know the Angels love for you. Love, Misty |
Heavenly Oils