This Chakra and Aura Vitality Course will make immense shifts in your energetic vitality and plant the seeds for lasting change in all areas of your life.
If your heart is yearning to create fulfilling relationships, break through financial barriers or unleash your creative potential, don't pass up this opportunity! |
It's time to claim your power to consciously create the life you love
Misty Harding is an Angelic messenger, spiritual healer and mentor who brings through Love, Compassion and Healing from the Archangels, Jeshua and Mother Mary.
The Heavenly Beings have given her methods to clear our past and fully embody our souls to bring Heaven to Earth. She helps people all over the world to connect with their truth and live their soul's purpose. |
Clearing and vitalizing your chakras & auric field with high frequencies will help you live in greater harmony & have inner peace.
Each week you'll receive a powerful healing and transmission from the Archangels to initiate chakra vitality and learn about Archangels at the same time. You'll also learn:
When you register you can purchase set of Angelic Chakra Oils or Sprays for only $88! |
Session 1 - Root Chakra & Etheric Field
Do you feel at home here on Earth? Your root chakra is your connection to the Earth and the energetic foundation of your physical body and identity. It's energy effects your physical health, strength and energy to express your soul's purpose on Earth.
The root chakra and etheric layer of your auric field hold energies or experiences of fear, lack, insecurity or anxiety. You may not love your body, be stuck in flight or fight mode. Vitality is loving and taking care of our physical body. |
Session 2 - Sacral Chakra & Emotional Field
Are you living in harmony? Your sacral chakra's health is reflection of how you feel about yourself and others. It's energy effects your emotional health.
The sacral chakra and emotional layer of your auric field hold the energies from of all your emotional experiences and limitations your personality has put on your soul. Vitality is feeling in harmony with yourself, others - and all that is. |
Session 3 - Solar Plexus Chakra & Mental Field
Are you a creator or victim? Your solar plexus chakra's health is influenced by what you think about yourself and others. It's energy effects your mental health, personal authority and the will to take action to fulfill your soul's purpose.
The sacral chakra and mental layer of your auric field hold the energies from of all your thought forms including: judgements, limiting beliefs, shame, self-worth, desires and acceptance of self. This is the energy of your personal power or authority. Vitality is acting out your positive thought forms. |
Session 4 - Heart Chakra & Astral Field
Do you feel separate from others or God? Your heart chakra's health is impacted by the acceptance of yourself and others. It is the place of unconditional love, gratitude and compassion.
The heart chakra and astral layer of your auric field hold the karmic energies from of all current and past life experiences. Vitality is feeling at one with everyone and everything. |
Session 5 - Throat Chakra & Etheric Template
Do you feel you have the right to speak and be heard? Your throat chakra influences the way you express your truth to evolve.
The throat chakra and etheric template layer of your auric field hold the energies from of all words heard, said & unsaid. Vitality is creative expression of the soul's truth. |
Session 6 - Third Eye Chakra & Celestial Field
Do you want create more beauty, love, harmony & light in the world? Your 3rd Eye chakra influences the way you see and understand the hows & whys of life.
The 3rd Eye chakra and celestial layer of your auric field help you to perceive beyond the veil of this earthly environment and connect to the beings of the Heavenly Realms where you can receive the unconditional love to share. Vitality is unconditional love for all of creation. |
Session 7 - Crown Chakra & Katheric Field
Do you know you have a larger purpose here? Your crown chakra is where you connect to your Higher Self and receive the awareness, wisdom and inspiration to fulfill your Soul's purpose.
The crown chakra and katheric layer of your auric field are your connection to your Higher Self so that you can receive the gifts of wisdom and integrated knowledge that lead to the awareness that all of life is perfect. Vitality is knowing the perfection in all of life. Enlightenment. |
Session 8 - Soul Star & Earth Star Chakra's
Your soul star chakra is the connection to the higher realms to bring your mission and purpose to Earth.
Your earth star chakra is your is the energetic connection that connects your Soul with the planet to stay grounded into the earth and water grids receiving their energies to nourish your physical body. |
We'll be working with aspects of Divine Will. These powerful spiritual energies can infuse your personality with new skills and more power to carry out your soul's goals and purposes. As you work with the Archangels and receive Divine Will into your chakras, you are activating and strengthening your personal will and aligning with your soul's power to create.
Divine Will plants the seeds of change into your life to harvest for years to come. Opportunities will come to you, new paths will open up, and your consciousness will continue to expand. Divine Will lovingly and gently nudges you in certain directions and makes you more magnetic to abundance and to your higher good. Still not sure if this is for you? I'd love to answer any questions you may have. Click here to email Misty