I'm super excited to offer a new 5 week group class to help you learn how to - or deepen your connection with 8 Archangels in order to receive their guidance, healing and support.
In this class you will experience how the Archangels give you information and how to ask for - and receive - their guidance, healing and support.
They will clear away any blocks you may have to connecting with them and I will share with you the tips and tricks I have learned and many of the processes they have given me over the years. We'll work with Archangels Michael, Raphael, Gabriel, Metatron, Chamuel, Zadkiel, Uriel and Jophiel.
The Archangels work in many dimensions, but meet us where we are. They can help us find parking places, and hit green lights. They will help us heal from past trauma or clear our negative thoughts. And... they can guide our spiritual evolution by connecting us to God and help us fully embody our soul and live our life with strength and grace.
This class is for you if you have you been drawn to the Angels and...
You are not sure how - or if you receive their guidance
Want to learn how to keep your energy clear
Have never felt like you didn't belong here or Earth was not your home
Are ready to move past fear, judgement or grief
Want to reconnect and strengthen your relationship with them
Want to raise your vibration and grow spiritually
We'll meet for 5 weeks starting Monday, November 11th @ 7pm MST.
When you sign up you'll have the option to purchase my cards and/or oil sets at a discounted rate + free shipping (US only).
And... if you truly want to go to the next level, opt in for a discounted private Soul Embodiment session to fully embody your soul and bring all aspects of you into alignment and agreement in this life (to be scheduled after the class is complete).
Cost is pay what you want with a minimum of $111. Sign up below.
The Angels have helped me overcome so much in my life and given me so much - I know they would make a huge difference in yours too! Hope to see you on the 18th!
Misty spend most of her life not feeling like she belonged here on Earth. It was when she met the Archangels and learned to receive their love and guidance that she finally felt at home.
When they taught her how to embody her soul, she finally found her true power and now guides others so that they can live a life of fulfillment.