Choosing LOVE with help from Angels
Meet your Angels, Experience their LOVE for you & Learn every day ways Angels can help you to choose LOVE in every moment.
I attended Misty's Angel Class on Love and I really had no expectations. WOW!! Me, the one who keeps her emotions hidden from the rest of the world? I ended up expressing how I felt I wasn't loved growing up to the group. After the initial Angel talk on love and ways we can get/receive divine love in our lives, Misty asks the angels to heal us from all that has blocked us from receiving and giving love in our lives. During this meditation/blessing, I was "told" that when I speak or listen to people that I need to connect to them with love and to see a rose unfolding in my heart. After telling my experience, one person in the group said she saw a rainbow going from my heart to another's. What a beautiful visualization/gift to focus on when I am interacting with others. I am so grateful I attended this class and can't wait to see my rose unfold and arc a rainbow to others heart's and see how their rose unfolds too! Love truly does conquer all. Thank you angels!! ~DS
Misty Harding ~ Angelic Messenger, Healer, Mentor and Creator of Angelic Oils, lives her passion by helping people connect with the Heavenly Realms to receive love, inspiration, healing and guidance to reclaim their power and know their worth. She is an Angel Therapy Practitioner ©, Access Bars Practitioner ©, Oneness Blessing Giver and long-time student of ACIM.