Suggested Invocations
About Invocations: These are sample invocations or prayers that may be used with the Essential Oil Creations. Please remember:
- We need to ask the Heavenly Beings for help and know that just the thought of them is enough for them to come to your side.
- The Heavenly Beings know what it is you need. They know what is in your heart. The words do not matter near as much as your desire to connect and your openness to receive their help. Talk to them like you would your best friend.
- You need not say the words out loud or numerous times (unless that is your belief).
- Try not to limit what you think they can do for you. Ask anyway.
- Remember that we may still need to get Earthly help for our physical bodies.
- The more you work with the Heavenly Beings and the oils, the more receptive you will be to know them and receive their blessings.
- An open heart and grateful mind allow them to help you even more.