![]() I wanted to share a message I received a couple of weeks ago from Jeshua for my new Angelic Immersion course. We were opening to receive the love of God and I was guided to call upon Jesus for our next session. Before I share this message, I just want you to know a bit about my relationship with him. Jesus comes to me as Jeshua and is my friend and teacher. The name is not something I have felt the need to question, but rather have a deep sense of knowing that it is right for me. My relationship with him has grown from my own personal experiences beginning with A Course in Miracles and has nothing to do with any religion. May these words wash over you and bathe you in the LOVE of God. Love, Misty Hello Beloveds, I am grateful to be called upon for your healing and spiritual growth. Call me any time, for any thing… and I will be there. If you only knew how much you are loved, you would never believe you are alone or lacking in any way. You are loved not for what you do, what you say, what you think, your skin color, gender, profession, accomplishments or what you own. You are loved because you were created by God. You are love because you are love. This love is not found with your eyes, hands, ears or any part of your body… however it can be given by these. This love is only known and received when you are in touch with your inner self (the part created by God) and are open to and connected with God. Bathe yourself in Gods love. In order to be open and connected you may need to forgive others, God or yourself. I want you to know that when you forgive, you are not saying what happened is right, you are saying that you will no longer hold a grudge! You see dear ones, there are so many circumstances surrounding each experience - there is just no way for you to know the whole picture here… so trust! Trust that every experience is for your highest good… and everyone else's. Trust that you are right where you need to be, doing exactly what you need to be doing, learning what you need to be learning, experiencing what you need to experience. Enjoy every moment! and if you are not enjoying where you are, what you are doing, or who you are with - then change it. You are the one that is living your life, and you are not meant to suffer, for you are powerful beyond measure… you have just forgotten. I know life on Earth is not easy… I have been there, and I know what you are going through. Know that there is never any judgement from us, there is only love. Your friend and teacher, Jeshua
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