A few years ago, when the Angels wanted me to learn some new healing techniques, I agreed and embarked on a very profound and powerful journey. Their form of healing was a little different than what I thought healing to be. It was to integrate all aspects of my being and bring them into alignment and agreement with the Will of God. To achieve this, they gifted me with a process to embody my soul and the ability to hold the space and teach others to do the same. In an attempt to put into words and impart the enormity of this gift and I wanted to share what I believe today. At some point during our lives here on earth, most of us decided to forget who we really are and became disconnected from our source. We knew we would, so before we came, we made a divine plan and agreed that everything we were to experience would act as a catalyst to push us toward remembering our true nature. To help us on this journey, we have at least one Guardian Angel always by our side. They are guiding, comforting and reminding us that each experience is to help us find our way back. Some have chosen experiences of lack, heartbreak, victimhood, physical pain, or emotional discomfort while others experience a profound knowing they are missing their purpose or feel disconnected. When it is time to leave this body, it will be our eternal nature, our soul that leaves, and once again we will be unbound by the constraints of our bodies and earthly experiences. For our souls to forever expand, grow and change we may decide a new set of circumstances and do it all over again. I believe everything you have ever experienced has brought you to this place today, to make a choice to embody your soul and live from its wisdom, courage and grace… so how do we do this? The process the Angels gave me has three powerful aspects to be completed in order by using a combination of profound spiritual healing sessions, practical tools, powerful processes and Angelic guidance.
ring the process of integrating my soul, I found that at first my soul did not stay in my body. I had to remember to consciously bring it back and learn to trust, honor and respect its power and wisdom. Now, it rarely leaves and I have felt empowered as never before. Here’s what you can expect when you fully embody your soul and bring yourself into agreement and learn to create with the Will of God… You know and experience who you truly are, as a unique aspect of spirit in form as the eternal soul you are. You know that everything has happened for your spiritual evolution. That when others hurt or blamed you, it was not your fault. When you failed, it was not your fault. You trust in your guidance. When it tells you that being around certain people or places does not feel good - you leave. When you need to make changes in your habits - it is easy. You know without a doubt that you are here to raise the vibration of this planet for the benefit of all souls while bringing into form your expression as a way shower to help others. You are literally living your Divinity on earth. You are expressing yourself as the eternal soul that you are. You will be fine… no matter what your experiences, because you are eternal. Is the timing right for the next step in your evolution? Check in with your Angels, highest self and soul to seek their blessing to transform to your next higher expression. If you are you ready to release what limits you and step into the arms of the Divine & infinite possibility. If you have a deep desire to relate to this world with peace, love and understanding – no matter what is happening… I am here to hold the space, support you and be the catalyst for change you need to step forward on your path of awakening and empowerment by embodying your soul.
Heavenly Oils