You may look to other people, pets, nature, food or alcohol to find what you are missing.
What do you think you will get from getting what you are seeking? Love, money, material things, a sense of belonging or self-worth? This is what has been coming up within myself and clients recently. We have been exploring why we desire things. Why change or loss is so hard for us. Why do we hold on? What is it we really want & need? Can others give it to us? What then happens when they are no longer in our life? Who would you be then? What would you do then? When I ponder all of these questions I know one thing for sure: I want to feel happy and fulfilled without being dependent upon any circumstance, place or person. I want to feel loved without the expectation of anything in return. I want to know in the core of my being that I will never be let down, or abandoned. I have this knowing that all of the experiences of my life have brought me to this point; searching, seeking that which will really fulfill me. The feeling that I did not belong here on Earth, the feeling of abandonment I felt when my Dad left, debilitating illness, forgetting who I am, lack of fulfillment from working just to accumulate material things. How about you? What are you seeking? I am here to be love. The only way I know how to do this is to establish a living connection with my creator. In this connection I AM whole, I AM complete, I need nothing. This is what I have been searching for my whole life. It is only in this space that I am truly at peace. This can only be taken away if I choose. If this is what you are seeking, let go of everything, realize that only your connection will fulfill you. Let go of what/who you think God is and even how your connection should happen. Have your own experience. You are different from every other human being on this planet. You are not alone, ask for help from God and the Angels to clear anything that stands in your way and to fulfill your desires. Know that you are worthy of this attention, of this love. Have a daily practice, meditation or study that helps you get connected. Allow yourself to receive that which you are truly seeking. If you are looking for support and guidance to clear your past, accelerate your journey, and are open to Heavenly Help, I would love to learn about you and your dreams. CLICK HERE to schedule a no cost consultation. May you always know you are loved and powerful beyond imagine! Love, Misty
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