After traveling for 9 months, I was guided to return to Montana to sell my home and continue to travel. It was like everything lined up and all happened in divine time, and yet…
There was much to do... Let go of a lifetime collection of things – my own and family members – creating hours of reliving memories, bury my 3 family members that had passed away in the last couple of years, and buy a new camper that will make my travels easier. All the while through this process, the Angels had me working on letting go of my judgments and fears so that I can step into this new phase with true freedom... and because I have let go, I have been inspired to create some fun new projects that I’ll be sharing soon 😊 but first... Archangels Michael & Metatron gave me a message to share with you today… Dear One, True freedom of mind is when you no longer have judgments or fear. This time in your evolution has brought up so much dissidence for you to look at. Differences seem to be polarized and for many it is hard to know the right thing to do. Many of you have always wanted to believe what others say - but there are so many hidden agendas at this time - that you must find your own truth. We urge you to step away from any media or other’s opinions, let go of any judgments or fears you may have, and connect with your own truth. Only by doing this will you have true freedom of mind. Know that you do not need to share your truth with others, but hold your own close and if they need to share theirs, see it as “Interesting”. Take what feels good, and leave the rest. At your service, Archangels Michael & Metatron Ask us to help! We offer this… “Dear Archangel Michael & Metatron, Surround me with a pillar of light. Disconnect me from the collective consciousness and clear my connection to God and the Heavenly Realms out the top of my head. Repair and strengthen this connection. Remove from my mind, body & energy field any judgments or fears so that I may have true freedom of mind. Thank you! Thank You! Thank you! (Remember, It's the Thank You! that allows you to receive.) This month's Group Healing Circle will focus on this theme of Freedom... and it's FREE!! Click here to join and get reminders. May you always know you are loved beyond imagine. Love, Misty
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Heavenly Oils